Friday, May 01, 2009

Rampi Says...

Dogs bark! Show the finger and move on!


BD said...

Hehe :D :D

God is back :P

How do we know said...

this will feel better in Hindi. :-)

Ram said...

@equi - with a bang!

@how do we know - Thanks for visiting. And do let me know how it will feel. I dont know hindi!

manoranjini said...

:D:D Good one!!

please check out

Reni said...

i've thinkin of a frnd who seems 2 bite n bark all da time...n trust me, i 've decided 2 show da "i dun't care" attitude 4rm now on...

the_ego_has_landed said...

did u mean show the finger to the barking dog or dont bark bt show the finger?!
