Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Rampi Says...

When you carry a burden, you just get so used to it, that you forget carrying it!


BD said...

Exactly. Analogous to this -> Once you start eating sambhar with sugar in it, you will forget the taste of sambhar without sugar in it :P

Reni said...

i thought u were gonna say"...that u forget that u are carrying it"!

Ram said...

@equi - For heaven`s sake, sambhar is not a burden!And, no im not carrying it! I dont dare touch it anymore!

@Reni - hmmm...

timora said...

it just remindde me when i used to ride my bike to school with the heaviest backpakc ever..and then you kinda get used to it

Ram said...

@timora - Yeah pretty much the same! ;)