Thursday, November 23, 2006

God Loved Us!!!

God,yeah God, painted a beautiful piece of a huge canvas. He gave the backround colour of the painting as black. Guess, he always liked brighter things on a darker backround. Yeah, me and God, think the same way(wink). He wanted to make his painting more and more beautiful. So he took his brush and started adding elements which he though were necessary and made the painting look good. He drew stuffs of all shapes. But he loved the shape of a circle. He drew a lot of them. He names the whole lot "stars".He painted a beautiful yellow star. Around it there were smaller circles. Whe first one was whitish, and he did not like it. The second one was orange, and he wanted to name it after his little daughter.The third was the one which he felt was his masterpiece. He used the colours which he never used. They were blue and brown of all shades.3/4th of the circle was blue and 1/4th was brown.And later he added green.The one which he probably would never use. This little circle was what which made him satisfied.Then he made several cirles and stars.But everytime his mind made him to return to the blue little cirle.

Then, he started drawing dots on the blue circle.They were of, white,black and brown dots.He created a whole bunch of dots on the circle.Then one day, when he saw his painting there more number of dots.Little did he know at that time, that these dots get life and start calling themselves, "people".For that matter, they named him God,they named his best star as sun and they even named his daughter venus!!Then these dots created something called a calender and they started following something called time.Now, the most beautiful painting by the God himself was taken over by the dots which he introduced on it. These dots dominated a whole lot.The God did not like it.Once in a while he added extra blue to it, or yellow or gave a gentle tap on places on the circle which he did not like!Yes I am talking about, tsunamis,volcanos and earthquakes.(earthlings cant even understand these things!!).

Yeah,this is a stupid post.But this is how i feel when i look for my place in the world.I first look for where I stand in my city, then my state, then the country, then the world, then the universe.Then I realise, Im jus a small brown dot which God dint intend to draw.Yeah, Shakespear told it right.
We indeed, are all actors and we are acting on a stage called earth.
And love plays a very important role.The love that, parents have for their children, the love that the child has for his mother.These charecters dominate. I do believe that God exists. But, i dont believe if hes still responsible for the things that are happening. Remember, we are just dots in the eyes of God and we cannot ask him for help, for he cant help.And as I said, choose the role to be played in this huge drama and thats the way the so called life is. Hmph!! stupid thinking na?? yeah... I quit!!

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