Friday, September 26, 2008

Enemies of Time...

Time is something which is far superior than anything in the universe. If you believe in god, time is more powerful. Time can be good and bad. It can kill and heal. We are fighting time. We want it to go back, but it wont. We want the time to be fair to him, us and them, but it wasn't and it is not. We are fighting it with all our strength and power. The time is not fighting back, I stays still, giving us excruciating pain. But we continue fighting, we will fight till the end of our lives.

We are fighting, we know that. I realize that when I give up my cot for mohit to sit and study; when I hug mols after he comes out of the kitchen praying, when I stand there at the door of his room and watch sriram sleeping, at the same place where he had slept a week ago; it was a week, and week is time, we are fighting time. We don't pray blindly asking him to come back. Its not fair to get over it and forget it. Its not a break up. It gives a reason to be normal for sometime and cry, it is something which we have to learn living with. It is something like a deadly disease which will never leave us, we will eventually die of it, but we will live with it. We and all of us who knew him will have to live with it.

The incident hasnt taken away my belief in god. It just has strengthened my unbelief in god. Our fight will continue.

For your information : Ravi, my roommate had gone to hampi with his office colleagues on Friday. On Sunday morning, when he tried to take a bath in the tungabatra river, he got washed away by the current of the river. People around tried to save him, but he got drowned. We weren’t able to find his body till Monday evening. His parents had arrived there and the formalities and the cremation was done at hampi only.

R.I.P - Ravi


Advitiya said...

It's all about what you believe in. Good to know you still have something to believe in.
Sorry to hear about your friend.

BD said...

Hmmm..okay, that God part, it sounded like Dashavataram thing. Yes, I partly agree with your God thing coz, thats how I had felt long back.

The feeling is damn bad.

Hmmm and may his sould rest in peace. And I'm sure there are fond memories of him..realised this when I talked to you the other day. You talked about time!

Hmmm I must say, you have become a philosopher da!

Ram said...

@adi - Hmmm... yeah i guess I do believe in something.

@equi - God... hmmm... Yeah

Reni said...

everythin happens 4 a purpose...although tis hard ta realise it @ times...

Advitiya said...

A tag to get you out of the blues... Try it... On my blog

Ram said...

@Reni - Things dont happen for a reason. They just happen....

manoranjini said...

May u find the strength to bear with the loss.Someimes such sad things happen that your faith in god is, atleast temporarily, suspended.I just hope there's an explanation behind it.Bcos if trajedies were totally random,they would be all the mopre unbearable..
Be strong mate..!

kiran said...
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