Monday, February 12, 2007

End of result Mania!

Yeah!!! The doomsday has arrived and the results were suddenly published. Okay!! I went to the gym, working my ass off to reduce weight. Took my phone during the break and there were 4 missed calls and 3 msgs. Good god! And one of the msg was from sriram!! It said, "U all pass!". Goddamnit. I jumped. The 1st thing is, i did not expect it today. The 2nd thing is i did not expect an all pass! The 3rd thing is i most certainly did not expect a 73%! It may seem low, but trust me, it a helluva lot, for me atleast! I called him right away to confirm. And he did confirm. Called mom and asked her too check it out.

Good day it was. Saw 2 movies. Last night, i was damn tired off the turtle walk(which deserves another post)! MY eyes begged for some rest, but i did not want the day to end! Something told me the result would come today but most of the sites said it wasnt today! So i wanted yesterday to last longer. I slept at midnight. Woke up today at noon. Watched 2 movies, my girl and much ado about nothing in sony pix. Dint care a damn about the results. Went to the gym. I have this omen thing when results are coming out. It is considered by me that, if results are out when im not home, it turns out to be good. Thats what happened last time! Guess it is nothing, the results depend on what i have written in the paper. Now, i have 2 more theory papers and a project. Im quite sure there isnt going to be any result phobia anymore! A happy farewell to the worst feeling in my life, forever!

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