Monday, October 13, 2008


Adi has tagged. Quite a number of tags nowadays...

My 5 addictions.

Coffee - Cant live without. I`ve already told this. Caffeine is like nicotine.

Music - Puts me to sleep on sleepless nights. Sleep is divine, something which brings sleep to us is godlike.

Television - Keeps the mind blank. Doesn't allow me think. Which happens to help me a bit.

Office - Yes you all know that I am a workaholic. I stay at office at least to play ping pong. I`m just addicted to this place.

Movies - I watch all kinds of it. Even the crappy ones. But the good thing is, I know a crappy one when I see one.

Thats it!
Now I tag reni and vignesh.


the_ego_has_landed said...

hehehe Ur addicted to office? Where do u work man? Which industry? :P

Advitiya said...

Office I totally understand...
But oye.. take a look at the sky outside sometimes!

You'll gaze in wonder!

Ram said...

@ego - The software industry... Where the self is destroyed and altruism prevails.

@adi - I do... and I do gaze in wonder. Makes me lose track on reality.

Reni said...

awwww, man!...did i get on ya nerves in da recent past or wat?...dis da 2nd ime ur taggin me in a week dude!....i'll get bak @ ya rampi boy....

BD said...

Well, I kinda knew some of your quirks - office, coffee and music.

And perfect description of the industry. Cheers :)

the_ego_has_landed said...

HEY let me know if atlas shrugged is similar to fountain head. I loved the latter.