Six months back,
When the head feels heavy, the vision is blurred, the sun is peeping through the window, I slowly opened my eyes. Searched for the mobile which was somewhere near. Checked the time. It was late. But I dint care, I wanted to sleep more. So I did sleep more. The i wake up half an hour after that. It was a monday morning. I had to go to college. I opened my wardrobe. My clothes were neatly pressed and arranged. I took out the worst of the shirts and wore it. I dint care how i looked. I looked at the watch. It was 8:30. I had to be at college by 9. I dint care about that. I wanted to be a bit economic and wanted to catch the bus. But its too late. I took the bike and left to college!
When the head feels heavy, the vision is blurred, the sun is peeping through the window, the thought struck me, that I was late I had to leave for office. It was a monday morning. You know the usual monday syndrome. I opened my closet to check if i had any clothes at all. Then I looked at the laundry basket. It was overflowing. Then I again looked into my wardrobe. I picked up a wrinkled shirt. Smelt it to check if it was washed. Felt a relief when it smelt good. Then I spent 5 minutes asking my room-mate to iron it for me. He refuses! Then i do one of the most painful job of the universe. I pressed the shirt. I then listen to the curses of the fellow being that i was the reason for all of the guys being late. We left! To the office, to work,to earn!
Aah... how I know the feeling...
"We left! To the office, to work,to earn!"
This sounds very depressing!
@Adi - It is pretty common i guess...
@equi - It actually isnt that depressing as it sounds.
hhhmmmm.....n i'm dying 2 start workin....
n believe me..thats just one of the many ironies u r gonna come across ;)
@peenuts - YES! I do believe you. I can see every irony coming.
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