Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Here I am. Back again!

I am not going to make excuses like "writer`s block"! LOL! Although I told that to a lot of people when asked. Of course, they grinned. :-)

So yeah. Its 2010 already! I have this crazy superstition. Yeah yeah! I know.. I am an atheist, I dont believe in God and all. The thing is, I have alternate screwed up years. 2006 was screwed. 2007 was good. 2008 was f**ked up again. 2009 wasnt great, but it wasnt bad at all. Now 2010.

I fell asleep exactly at 11:55! And my record of non-alcoholic new year still continues. Although, I had rum chocolates. wonder if that counts.


1. Lose weight! Work out!

2. Make a very serious attempt at an mba in a very good school.

3. Socialise!

4. Have passion for one thing and do it with all the zest and love.

Wanted to write more. This is what comes to brain now. Will definitely write more often!

Happy new year everyone!


Advitiya said...

I fervently hope you 'socialise' this year!
'Appy appy :)

Fantasized emotions appearing real said...

u r too busy with me!

BD said...

"I am an atheist, I dont believe in God and all"

:D :D :D Someone once told me that he is God! :P

Happy new year.

Rajamani said...

do write man, i do love to read ur blah blah's.......