Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Facts And Fiction!

  1. Ravi is here and I`am having some pretty good time with him here! Dunno what he thinks though!
  2. Oracle-SQL and PL/SQL is no more boring!
  3. The sun, for the 1st time since i had come here, blazed to its full extent today!
  4. Ravi`s place is awesome!
  5. I miss mom!
  1. I`am going to shift to my new house tommorow!
  2. Ravi is gonna be here, till Iam here!
  3. I am not going to be sick this weekend!
  4. My computer will be ready this weekend!
  5. I will get the NOC for my bike by tommorow!
  6. Training lunch is gonna be good all week!


BD said...

Hahaha! And everyone wants fiction to become the fact!

My fact - I have to get up early these days and attend all classes!

Fiction - Vacation extended. Everyone head to Goa!

Ram said...

Yeah true!
Looks like, some of thee fictions are gonna become facts.

Shweta said...

PL\SQL is boring :( i'm still studying it

Ram said...

Start applying it real time and you will find it very interesting!