Thursday, December 25, 2008


Well, I have changed the template...
Change is a good thing, maybe the best of things and good things never die....
Let me know if the new template create a problem, especially the playlist thing.
Songs are pretty soft, definitely wont make heads turn in your offices, so i guess it`ll be okay...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

As it is...

The facts being facts...
Good things are good...
Bad things are bad...
no bad thing happens for good and
no good things happen for bad.
when something good happens... feel good...
when something bad happens... face it...
Things are as it is... you and I cant do anything about it...
There is no hidden reason for things to happen... things just happen...
No... its not even close to being a poem...
Just a bunch of incomplete sentences and repeating words...
Just a self consolation/motivation of a sleep deprived individual...

This is my friends photo gallery, which made me smile after sometime... Thanks...